1. 第一次世界大战后 ,帝国主义对中国加紧侵略,北洋军阀政府对外妥协投降,对内残酷压迫人民,给中国带来了深重的民族危机。
A. After World WarⅠ, the imperialists stepped up their aggression against China while the Northern Warlord Government resorted to compromise and capitulation externally and to ruthless oppression of the people internally, thus landing China in a grave national crisis.
B. The imperialists strengthened their aggression against China after World WarⅠand the Northern Warlord Government externally compromised and capitulated and internally oppressed the people which brought about China a grave national crisis.
C. After World WarⅠ, the imperialists’ aggression against China and Northern Warlord Government’s external compromise and capitulation and internal oppression to the people brought about China a grave national crisis.
D. After World WarⅠ, the imperialists stepped up their aggression against China while the Northern Warlord Government resorted to external compromise and capitulation and internal ruthless oppression of the people, both of which landed China in a grave national crisis.
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2. 没有他的帮助 ,我早就失败了。
A. But for his help。1 would fail.
B. Without his help。1 would have failed.
C. If he didn’t help me。1 would have failed.
D. If not for his help.1 would fail.
3. George Steiner thought that is the true road for the translator.
A. create
B. paraphrase
C. metaphrase
D. imitation
4. 中国的发展与进步 ,不会对任何人构成威胁。
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A. The development and the progress of China does not pose a threat to anyone.
B. A developing and progressing China will not threat anyone.
C. The development and the progress of China will not threat anyone.
D. A developing and progressing China does not pose a threat to anyone.
5. 关于直译与意译的使用,以下不正确的说法是( )。
A. 能直译则直译,不能直译则意译
B. 直译与意译并无本质的分歧,好的译文既是直译又是意译
C. 必须坚持意译为主,直译为辅的原则
D. 直译和意译相辅相成
6. 茅盾在关于“直译”的看法中认为,直译的意义就深处来说,是求
A. 不妄改原文的字句
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B. 能保留原文的情调与风格
C. 忠实地传达原作的内容
D. 忠实于原作的意图
7. Almost all the TV viewers were deeply impressed by Titanic’s huge mass and her ruined splendor of a lost age.
A. 泰坦尼克号的庞大以及她那昔日辉煌的残毁,给几乎所有的电视观众都留下了十分深刻的印象。
B. 泰坦尼克号船体庞大,虽已损毁,昔日丰采犹存,给几乎所有的电视观众都留下了深刻的印象。
C. 泰坦尼克号无比庞大,往日荣光业已荡然无存,给几乎所有的电视观众都留下了深刻的印象。
D. 泰坦尼克号的庞大船体以及她那失去的昔日光辉,给几乎所有的电视观众都留下了深刻的印象。
8. I have seventy-two grandchildren, and if I was sad each time I parted from
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one of them, I should have a dismal existence!
A. 我的孙子孙女有72个,要是每离开一人都要难过,我的存在可就太痛苦了。
B. 我的孙子孙女有72个,要是每离开一人都要难过,我的生活可就太痛苦了。
C. 我有72个孙子孙女,要是每次我从他们中的一个身边离开都要难过,我的存在可就太痛苦了
D. 我有72个孙子孙女,要是每次我从他们中的一个身边离开都要难过,我的生活可就太痛苦了。
9. The image of a sudden wall of dark water carrying the man and his car away in an instant is still imprinted on my mind.
A. 突然,浑浊的雨墙瞬间连人带车都冲走的情景还印在我的脑海里。
B. 我的脑海里至今带有突然变黑的雨水像墙一样压下来,一下子连人带车都冲走的印象。
C. 突然,浑浊的雨水像一面墙一样压下来,一下子连人带车都冲走了。这情景到现在还在我的脑海里。
D. 至今我的脑海里的印象是,雨水突然变混,像一面墙一样把人和车都带走了。
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10. 中国有960万平方公里的陆地国土,居世界第三位。
A. China has a land area of 9.6 million sq. km, the third place in the world.
B. China has a land area of 9.6 million sq. km, marking it the third-biggest country in the world.
C. China has a land area of 9.6 million sq. km, which was the third place in the world
D. China has a land area of 9.6 million sq. km, which ranked the third place in the world.
1. All do not work for money。大家都不为钱而工作。
A. 错误
B. 正确
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2. 实验结果并不令人满意 。 The result of the experiment is far from satisfaction.
A. 错误
B. 正确
3. 这位战士双腿受了重伤。 The soldier was badly wounded in both legs.
A. 错误
B. 正确
4. My mother has grey hairs. 我的母亲头发花白。
A. 错误
B. 正确
5. 他们在读书。 They’re reading books.
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A. 错误
B. 正确
6. 我们觉得解决这个问题并不难。 We felt not difficult in solving this problem.
A. 错误
B. 正确
7. 我们现在正在积极地做准备工作。 We are making busy preparations for that visit.
A. 错误
B. 正确
8. 良药苦口利于病。 Good medicine tastes bitter but good for health.
A. 错误
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B. 正确
9. 不久,他捧出那本《韦氏大学词典》回来了。 Very soon he came back, holding the Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary in his hand.
A. 错误
B. 正确
10. During the first half of the eighteenth century, in the old age of Newton and the decline of the Royal Society, England basked in a last Indian summer of village industry and the overseas trade of merchant adventurers. 在十八世纪上半部分牛顿晚年和皇家学会衰落的时候,英国的乡村手工业和海外商业冒险正沐浴在最后一个印度夏天了。
A. 错误
B. 正确
11. 你付钱了吗? Have you paid yet?
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A. 错误
B. 正确
12. They were then friendly to me and to my opinions. 他们当时对我是友好的,对我的看法是支持的。
A. 错误
B. 正确
13. 我现在所看到的,已完全变了样。 What I see now becomes completely different.
A. 错误
B. 正确
14. He sought the distraction of distance. 他以距离来排除烦闷。
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A. 错误
B. 正确
15. Lock the stable door after the horse is stolen. 亡羊补牢,未为晚也。
A. 错误
B. 正确
16. 很高兴认识你。 Pleasant to meet you.
A. 错误
B. 正确
17. 要提倡科学,靠科学才有希望。 We must promote science, for that is where our hopes lie.
A. 错误
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B. 正确
18. 我们现在正在积极地做准备工作 。 We are making busy preparations for that visit.
A. 错误
B. 正确
19. 上海的交通很拥挤。 Shanghai’s traffic is very crowed.
A. 错误
B. 正确
20. 警察抓住了小偷的衣领。 The policeman seized the thief’s collar.A. 错误
B. 正确
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