专利名称:Tensioning rail applied by injection molding发明人:Van T. Le,Stefan Belmer,Alios
Hinterstocker,Martin Bodensteiner
摘要:A method of producing a movable tensioning element of a tensioning device fortensioning flexible drive means, in particular for timing chain drives of internal combustionengines, the tensioning element having at least a tensioning piston and a tensioning rail
made of a plastic material, with the tensioning rail being arranged on a tensioning end ofthe tensioning piston. A correspondingly implemented tensioning element as well as atensioning device including such a tensioning element is provided. The method ofproducing the movable tensioning element includes placing the tensioning piston into aninjection mold suitable for producing the tensioning rail; injecting the plastic material intothe injection mold; encompassing the tensioning piston by the plastic material in certainareas thereof; and letting the plastic material solidify under formation of a positiveconnection between the tensioning piston and the tensioning rail.
申请人:Van T. Le,Stefan Belmer,Alios Hinterstocker,Martin Bodensteiner
地址:Erding DE,Anzig DE,Sauerlach DE,Erding DE
代理机构:Marshall, Gerstein & Borun LLP